Word of the day
Hows everything working?
Unsecured protocols
HTTP(HyperText Transfer Protocol)[Port: 80]
FTP(File Transfer Protocol)[Ports: 20 (Data Transfer), 21 (Control)]
SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)[Port: 25]
POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) [Port: 110]
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) [Port: 143]
DNS (Domain Name System) [Ports: 53]
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)[Ports: 67 (server), 68 (client)]
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) [Ports: 161 (queries), 162 (traps)]
Telnet[Port: 23]
NTP (Network Time Protocol)[Port: 123]
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)[Port: 389]
TFTP(Trivial File Transfer Protocol)[Port: 69]
SIP(Session Initiation Protocol)[Port: 5060 (unencrypted)]
RTP(Real-Time Transport Protocol)[Dynamic ports: Typically 16384-32767]
RTS(Real-Time Streaming Protocol) [Port: 554]
IP(Internet Protocol)[Protocol number: 0 (IPv4), 41 (IPv6)]
Secured protocols
HTTPS(HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) [Port: 443]
FTPS(FTP Secure, uses SSL/TLS)[Ports: 990 [Implicit], 21 [Explicit with SSL/TLS]
SFTP(SSH File Transfer Protocol) [Port: 22]
SMTPS(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Secure)[Port: 465 or 587 with STARTTLS]
IMAPS(Internet Message Access Protocol Secure)[Port: 993]
POP3S(Post Office Protocol 3 Secure)[Port: 995]
LDAPS(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Secure)[Port: 22]
SSH(Secure Shell)[Port: 5061 [with TLS]]
NNTPS(Network News Transfer Protocol Secure) [Port: 443]
TLS(Transport Layer Security / SSL-Secure Sockets Layer)Ports: Various, commonly 443 for HTTPS
KerberosPorts: 88(Kerberos authentication), 464(Kerberos password change)
SRTP(Secure Real-time Transport Protocol)VOIP [Dynamic ports: Typically 16384-32767 [over UDP]]
Is your defense good?
Will it work?