Hailing from South Brooklyn, New York, Jonathan's journey commenced in a neighborhood pizzeria, where he embarked on his first foray into customer service. His innate kindness and respect for others propelled him forward, leading him to pursue further horizons beyond the familiar streets of his upbringing.
Transitioning from high school to college at Borough of Manhattan Community College marked the beginning of Jonathan's quest for knowledge. From acing placement tests to sharing an unexpected last name with the college president, each milestone fueled his hunger for learning. Graduating amidst the pride of his parents, he understood that his educational journey was merely in its infancy.
Jonathan's professional journey began at NYU as an administrative assistant, where he honed his skills with humility, viewing weaknesses as opportunities for growth. His thirst for knowledge expanded as he delved into Microsoft Office proficiency and ventured into data analysis, eventually presenting findings to esteemed audiences. Tasked with managing user permissions for a dental practice application, his intrigue blossomed into comprehension as he grasped the significance of his work.
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic further fueled Jonathan's desire for self-improvement. Exploring platforms like Codecademy, ITUlearning, and Hackthebox, he immersed himself in the world of IT, mastering essentials like CompTIA A+ and troubleshooting with finesse. Applying newfound skills to his role, he found fulfillment in aiding others and witnessing tasks through to completion.
Simultaneously navigating full-time employment at NYU and pursuing a degree in forensic psychology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Jonathan learned the art of time management and the value of perseverance. Electing to minor in computer science, he delved into networking, operating systems, and programming, embracing the challenges inherent in coding errors and problem-solving.
The culmination of his educational journey unveiled a profound understanding of human behavior and a knack for offering solutions to life's complexities. Armed with the philosophy that life's challenges can be approached with a simple equation—A+B=C. Jonathan persisted in his pursuit of knowledge and growth.
Discovering the Google Cyber Security Course illuminated the significance of principles like "least privilege" and the CIA triad, reinforcing his belief in the endless potential of lifelong learning. For Jonathan, life is a perpetual journey, brimming with opportunities to expand horizons and overcome obstacles.